There’s a reason why you’re probably hearing so much about membership sites. They add a tremendous amount of stability and value to your business — and recurring revenue is hard to beat. I’ve outlined some major benefits of membership sites below. Enjoy!
There’s a reason why you’re probably hearing so much about membership sites. They add a tremendous amount of stability and value to your business — and recurring revenue is hard to beat. I’ve outlined some major benefits of membership sites below. Enjoy!
1. Stable Cash Flow: Say goodbye to what I call “Revenue Reset”: where your revenue starts at $0 each month. Instead, you make the sale once and the revenue continues to come in each month. And because of that, it’s fairly simple to calculate and forecast cash flow and finally achieve financial stability. Recurring revenue is a serious game-changer!
A membership model is a business plan where customers pay your business a recurring fee to access the value that you create. It’s a perfect next steps for your business if you’ve already produced a ton of content, like courses, workshops; if you’ve created online programs; if you’re looking to build a community of like-minded people, and many more reasons!
2. Lower Marketing Costs: Once you gain a new member, you don’t have to spend more money marketing to them again. This is the opposite of a one-off transaction business model, where you must keep advertising your products or services to the same market in order to sell them.
3. This is the beauty of scaling. Think about it: you create content for your membership — a workshop for example. You’re able to sell it over and over again, gaining new members month over month. You continue adding content at your own pace, updating the material every now and then. Since the value you create can be scaled for all members , your costs of producing products/services are lower than other types of business models.

4. Fast, Direct Feedback from Members: If your membership services are off, it’s easy to tell. Members will stop engaging, stop visiting your website, and stop reading your emails. Plus members are more likely to share feedback with you, because it’s in their interest to keep the organization providing high value, especially for professional associations, since networking opportunities, certification, and education may be tied to their career.
5. The Ability to Impact a Community: We’ve worked directly with clients that provide high-value resources (workshops, online courses, certifications, etc.) that affect thousands of people. With a membership model, you actually bring communities closer together, by creating incredible networking opportunities for members. Furthermore, by giving yourself more financial flexibility, you can focus more on what you are here for, which is bringing about positive change and elevating the collective consciousness.
6. Additional Revenue Opportunities: On top of member fees, members can also be up-sold and cross-sold your other offerings (I have an entire framework around this called the Conscious Product Pyramid!). If you have enough members, you can also gain sponsorship from companies wishing to share even more value with your members.
7. Direct relationship with customers: What better way to establish a strong connection with your customers and clients than through a private container? Engaging with them on a monthly basis not only builds loyalty, but also bypasses retailers, distributors and other partners. The less middlemen, the better. Deal directly with your clients and customers and see the benefits yourself!.
8. Higher valuations from investors in both public and private markets: It’s simple, if you’ve proven that you can generate recurring revenue, then your business model is more attractive to investors.
Convinced a membership site is the next step for your business? Let’s talk! Book a free consultation here.
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